Ellegant Credit Limited (ECL) is as a fully-fledged Micro-finance Institution incorporated as a limited company by guarantee under the Companies ACT (Cap 486) of the Laws of Kenya. The institution focuses on providing affordable and customized credit solutions to a diverse range of clients. ECL provides financial services to small businesses, employees, and entrepreneurs thus bridging a major gap in the financial industry. The institution thus supplements and complements the role played by banks, Saccos, and other financial services providers.
Founded on 8th of December 2017, ECL’s business objective is driving economic growth by efficiently providing credit solutions in a simple, efficient and friendly way that creates value to all our customers and with a commitment to enabling financial access and inclusion. The company’s formation was inspired by the huge percentage of borrowers that have been shunned off by commercial banks and mainstream lending institutions.
“Love your neighbor as you love yourself” ;The Bible
“The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach.”